Monday we held a “Capacitación” in a hotel in Santa Eulalia. Our first session was with a group of comadronas (midwives) from as many as three hours away. Since 90% of babies in Huehuetenango Department are born with a comadrona, one of our ongoing goals has been to hold teaching sessions for obstetric emergencies and ultimately lower the maternal mortality in the department.
Melissa demonstrating shoulder dystocia |
As we got started, one of the comadronas approached Chris and asked if we could start with a prayer. When he replied that Suzy was in charge, she looked again and said (in Spanish) “No, I think you are the one in charge.” This was the second training session in four years we have had with these comadronas, and it went WAY better as we had skilled interpreters in Q’anjob’al. Mariah, Josh, and Rosalicia taught postpartum hemorrhage and breech delivery.
Suzy showed them everything in the delivery kits we had brought for them. Melissa and Chris taught shoulder dystocia and neonatal resuscitation. Although the comadronas knew much of what we were reviewing with them, there were definite knowledge gaps we found and encouraged them in methods to lower risk of injury to mom and baby. When we introduced ourselves, they assigned us our Q’anjob’al names and found it endlessly funny that Chris’ name translated to Ixtup (eesh-toop). Josh provided some comic relief with a postpartum hemorrhage skit.
Suzy showed them everything in the delivery kits we had brought for them. Melissa and Chris taught shoulder dystocia and neonatal resuscitation. Although the comadronas knew much of what we were reviewing with them, there were definite knowledge gaps we found and encouraged them in methods to lower risk of injury to mom and baby. When we introduced ourselves, they assigned us our Q’anjob’al names and found it endlessly funny that Chris’ name translated to Ixtup (eesh-toop). Josh provided some comic relief with a postpartum hemorrhage skit.
The afternoon group of nurses |
After lunch, we did nearly the same stations with nurses from the local CAP (Centro de Atención Personal) where they do deliveries. Needless to say, the lack of a language barrier (all of them spoke Spanish) and a medical education made the afternoon sessions go quite smoothly.
Suzy was given the pink hat |
Omg! I'm so glad you guys played soccer again! Yay new tradition? :-)